Diablo 3 necromancer petilance build season 14
Diablo 3 necromancer petilance build season 14

diablo 3 necromancer petilance build season 14

A failure of doing that usually results with the deaths of the Rats. Znecs should cast Devour all the time, while they move and while they stand, so Rats can be fueled. Due to the long cooldown of the Land of the Dead, all skills and items of the build are focused on cooldown reduction.

diablo 3 necromancer petilance build season 14

No other skill then Deveour should be autocast, because usually it breaks Devour. To achieve that, Znec casts Land of the Dead and autocasts his Devour skill which in combination with Life from Death passive produces health globes. Globes are being picked up by Zbarb which fuels Rat’s essence. The basic role of Znec is to produce health globes for Rats (Rathma necromancers). You have to control several skills at once and pay attention to what is going on in game. Znec’s playstale is very tricky and admittedly the most challenging in the Rat Runs. Without more than 800 paragon you don't have much points to put into Vitality, so your survivability and then effectiveness as a znec will be limited. You should put all of your remaining paragon to Vitality (keeping 50 paragon points in Movement Speed, but nowhere else in Core section). Stat Priority: CDR Reduced Melee Dmg Block %.Reduces damage from melee attacks by 400% Reduces damage from melee attacks by 25000 - 30000%

Diablo 3 necromancer petilance build season 14